🔓Unlock Your First Step🔓

It's time to prioritize your needs to reimagine your life and career

What if in 6 weeks or less you could...

  • Identify your unique vision personally and professionally

  • Get clarity on next steps towards your unique pathway

  • Take targeted steps towards meeting your big vision

You are probably here right now because


You may be feeling


and aren’t sure where to turn.

You may also have challenges in



You desire more money, freedom, energy and time.

Are you ready to take your first step towards the life you want to live?

That's what we help you do in our Wonder Week accountability program.

Create your ideal week in 6 weeks or less helping you take targeted action on your career and wellness goals.

As Seen On:

  • Centennial College Logo
  • George Brown College
  • Boys & Girls Club of East Scarborough Logo
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Why work with us?

✔️ Years of experience helping high achieving women transform from operating in a space of overwhelm to living their best life professionally and personally

✔️ Our unique framework helps high achievers understand themselves better and work toward their big vision

✔️ Create an intentional plan for you to elevate in your career and in your life

Check Out Our Unique Framework

  • Milestone 1: Goal Focus

    Here you will get clarity and identify the single most impactful thing you need to do to take your first step.

  • Milestone 2: Habit Focus

    Here you will apply your actionable first step toward your goal to craft your ideal week one habit at a time.

  • Milestone 3: Transformation Focus

    Here you will review your transformation journey and continue to apply winning strategies to meet your goal.

What's Included

☑️ Weekly group accountability check-ins

☑️ Templates, tools and support to help you take the first steps

☑️ Feedback on your steps

☑️ Motivation and encouragement along the way

☑️ Community of supportive women with ambitious goals

☑️ Guaranteed results (if you do the work)

  • "If I really had to change one thing about this course it would be to have found it sooner than I did."

    -Cassie P, Executive Administrator

  • "Jodi is so skilled at what she does. I am so happy to have worked with her. I have improved my life so much since working with her."

    -Shaunna G, Program Supervisor

  • "Jodi has helped my team with developing new habits. Not only is she patient but she is so knowledgeable when it comes to making a transformation!"

    -Elyse K, Director of Operations

Hi! I'm Jodi

My passion is to help people create and curate their ideal lives using systems to optimize time, energy, and health. I do this through a unique framework that helps people get clarity through identifying their vision, values, and strengths to create a roadmap towards their success.

Here are some of the results I have provided:

Worked with 500+ professionals and leaders to

➡️ Get clarity, energy and focus to meet their big visions

➡️ Overcome imposter syndrome and advance in their career

➡️ Enhance self-confidence and go after what they truly want

➡️ Navigate their career transitions to create their ideal life path
➡️ Reprioritize their life by setting better boundaries in the workplace

And I can help you too!

What people have accomplished working with us

☑️ New career direction

☑️ High profile opportunities

☑️ Building confidence in speaking up

☑️ Being more strategic about their decisions

☑️ Re-energizing their health & wellness including increased energy, whole body transformation, a clear mindset

Secure Your Spot Today!

We know you have questions here are some frequently asked ones to help make your decision easier

How long is the program?

This program is a total of 6 weeks

Who is the program for?

High achieving women including leaders and aspiring leaders who want more in their career, want a change or want more balance in their lives.

Have more question?

Reach out to Jodi directly at jodi@creatingnewsteps.com

Connect with me to learn more